- For group- 3800 som per month
+ free Book
- Intensive group- 6600 som per month + free Book
- Individually
- 3 times a week -21 000 som per month
+ free book
- 5 times weekly -31 500 som per month
+ free book
- For group-6600som per month
- Individually-31500som per month
- Individually and group per month
- 5 times weekly-9000som per person (maximum of 7 people)
- 5 times weekly 31500som per person (maximum of 3 people)
- The cost for study depends on
- Students quantity,
- company location,
- availability of educational stuff
- in the classroom where
- the lessons will be held.
По всем вопросам обращаться по номеру:
0556600014, 0312543351